There is a huge world of gardening information on the web. We’ve found some favorites to share and hope you will find it helpful and interesting.
Oregon State University Extension Service This site is a great resource for information on pollinators, fruit and vegetable growing, soil and composting, growing trees and ornamentals, and gardening techniques. We highly recommend using their keyword search to find specific information.
Gardening Calendar The OSU Extension website offers monthly suggestions for timing gardening projects and tasks.
10-Minute University™ Videos offered by the Master Gardeners of Clackamas County. These videos and handouts cover multiple gardening topics, from plant information and pruning to irrigation and climate resilience.
Landscape Design: Blocking Method Garden designer Amy Fedele describes a technique that can help us achieve better landscape designs. Not knowing where to start is where some of us stop. This method gives a structure for creativity. She offers printable cutouts useful for planning a garden area, foundation planting, or entire landscape. Her video describing the method is excellent.
Bunny Guinness Gardening videos One of the most prominent gardeners in the UK, Bunny Guinness is an author, journalist, a longtime BBC gardening panelist, and an award winning garden designer. She offers podcasts and videos presenting a wealth of information.
Plant Identification Apps Everybody needs one! This article in the Portland Monthly has commentary on some of the different apps available.
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