Membership Guidelines
Qualifications for Membership Shall Be Enthusiasm for Gardening and Horticulture and a Willingness to Share in the Work of the Club
Prospective members who attend two general meetings or one general meeting plus participate in one park workday, as they are able, may be welcomed for membership with a letter of introduction by a club mentor.
At the meeting of their introduction to the club, they will sign the Membership book, receive their yearbook, receive keys to the park, and pay their yearly dues.
Members who died during the year shall be honored at the June meeting. Members who have attained 30 years of membership shall be honored in a special ceremony at the Annual meeting held in September and thereafter remembered in the yearbook.
The Memorial Placard Board at Risley Landing Gardens honors members with 30+ years of membership as well as current members upon their deaths. Major donors are also honored.